New spring flowers have been added to our garden in front of the UHNGCCenter. Also, check out the fresh flowers at the Welcome to Gerton signs. Thanks to Mike Hamlin and Stan Mobley for paying attention to what our community needs to look colorful and welcoming!
President's Note
Summer is here! I am so thankful to live where we enjoy four seasons. The wonders of spring have now changed to the glories of summer. Yes, there are summertime blues like bee stings, sunburns, yard work, heat and humidity, frizzy hair, and traffic if you are driving through Chimney Rock and Lake Lure. But the scrumptiousness of a sandwich made with a homegrown tomato makes those blues fly away. And on your plate with that amazing tomato sandwich, pile on some lettuce, squash, beans, okra, and cucumbers grown in your garden or bought at a farmer’s market. How about an Asheville Tourist baseball game? Or a trip to the beach? Or picking flowers from your garden? Have you had a summer picnic yet? But the best summer gift of all is welcoming our friends and neighbors back to their mountain homes!
During the summer months of 2020 and 2021, we were unable to meet and share the joys of the summer season. At the time of this writing, Covid community transmission rates are low. The UHNGCC Board of Directors has determined it is safe to plan activities for summer and fall. The Board will, however, remain diligent in monitoring Covid transmission rates and reserves the right to cancel events if necessary to protect the health of our community.
What is coming up? Watch for details about these events:
· July 4th dinner
· Summer play by the Hickory Nut Players
With all the problems our country is facing, I continue to believe that the United States of America is the absolute best place to live. Holidays of Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day give us pause to reflect on what it means to live in a land where we are free.
A special thanks to Stan Mobley and Mike Hamlin for installing American flags as a reminder of the privilege it is to be American.
One does not have to look far to be concerned by the economic challenges facing our country and the world. Your generous support to Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach over the past two years has fed many of our friends and neighbors. At the May covered dish dinner, HNGO Office Manager Karen King presented an excellent program. In addition to updating us on the work of the Outreach, she expressed personal and HNGO Board appreciation for the donations made by our community. The Outreach is now working to provide backpacks and school supplies necessary to get our neighbors’ children off to a great start for the new school year.
Consider supporting a local student by donation of the items listed below. Supplies are needed before July 26th.
· Backpacks (with computer sleeve)
· 1 inch, 1.5 inch and 2 inch three-ring binders
· Black sharpies (wide, fine, ultra-fine)
· Graphing paper
· #2 pencils and colored pencils
· Pens (black, red, blue)
· Glue sticks and glue bottles
· Pocket folders (cardboard and plastic)
· Wide-rules and college-ruled loose-leaf paper
· Scissors (safety and non-safety)
Congratulations to Savannah Bellamy, winner of the UHNGCC college scholarship. Savannah, who grew up in Gerton, will be starting college this fall at Blue Ridge Community College.
Our Community Center is available to rent if you are planning a private event. The dining room is available for a small fee and the Community Room is available at no charge. For more information, send an email to
We know that fall will soon be here; until then, enjoy these “Joys of Summer” by Jennifer Gunner:
S – Sunny Days
U – Umbrellas drinks
M – Melon balls
M – Morning heat
E – Easy schedule
R – Restful nights
Karen Owensby
President, Upper Hickory Nut Gorge Community Club
Community Gathering on Monday, July 4
Encore Production of "Cleaning Up" Returns to UHNGCC
So save the date: Friday, August 5 and Saturday, August 6. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for $15 each or $30 per family will be available at the door. Plus: Refreshments and entertainment will be provided at intermission.
May Dinner and Program
USA Flags Go Up for Memorial Day to Labor Day
Litter Sweep - June 2022
Left to right: Jim Earnhardt, Stan Mobley, Karen Gamble, Charles Gamble, Mike Hamlin (taking photo)Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach Needs School Supplies
New Farmers Market in Lake Lure
June Dinner and Program

Yoga Classes Continue on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. at UHNGCC
Yoga classes are open to all (experienced, beginners; men and women). Bring your mat or choose to participate from a chair. Yoga gives you an opportunity to take an hour for yourself -- a time out of the time of your busy day. Cost: $12 per session.Neighborhood Activities
Addie Grindle, daughter of Melissa Grindle, and granddaughter of Jim and Sylvia Sane, graduated from Morehead State University in Morehead, Kentucky, on May 14. She earned her B.S. degree in veterinary technology. At present she is living in Lexington, Kentucky, where she works in the University of Kentucky Necropsy Lab. Addie was the recipient two times for the UHNGCC college scholarship. We join with Addie's family in being proud of her academic achievements. Congratulations to Addie!
Chestnut Hills Neighborhood Celebrates 100 Years
Fireworks at Lake Lure - July 3, 9:30 p.m. at Morse Park
ECHO of the Gorge is published bi-monthly by the UHNGCC. News and photos may be sent to Margaret Whitt at Photos for this issue provided by Margaret Whitt, Stan Mobley, Mike Hamlin, Sylvia Sane.
Officers of UHNGCC for 2021: President - Karen Owensby; Vice-President - Jim Earnhardt; Secretary - Ellen Boyle; Treasurer - Sylvia Sane; Board Members - Jean Bradley, Chuck Mallory, Margaret Whitt, Sarah Gayle; Immediate Past President - Stan Mobley
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