UHNGCC gets its fall trim behind the center. Also, the azaleas have been trimmed as well.
Calendar of Events
November 4, Saturday, 11-4 p.m. Fundraiser at Fire House for Hathaway Family. Get BBQ Tickets and rifle raffle tickets from Jim Sane (625-1356).
November 11, Saturday, noon - WNCCommunities Annual Awards Luncheon
November 14, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. Henderson County Development Council annual awards dinner in Edneyville. Meet at UHNGCC to carpool at 6 p.m.
November 14, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. Henderson County Development Council annual awards dinner in Edneyville. Meet at UHNGCC to carpool at 6 p.m.
November 21, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. - Community Thanksgiving Meal. Turkey and Dressing provided. Bring sides
November 23, Thursday - THANKSGIVING
December 4, Monday - 10 a.m.- Christmas Greenery Workshop
New Moon Marketplace Christmas Open House
Friday, December 8, 5-8 p.m. Come join us for some finger foods, hot cider, or a glass of wine. Santa Clause & live music
Come and do some shopping!! Hope you will join us!
December 19, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.-Christmas Party. Bring finger foods and small gift for exchange.
The ECHO is published bi-monthly throughout the year by the Upper Hickory Nut Gorge Community Club. You can access the online blog at: www.gertonecho.blogspot.com or pick up a paper copy at the Gerton Post Office. News is welcome; pictures, too. Please send to editor Margaret Whitt at mwhitt@du.edu. Photographers this issue: Margaret Whitt, Michelle Perry, and Sylvia Sane
Officers for 2016-2017: President Margaret Whitt; Vice President Jim Sane; Secretary Susie Bancer; Treasurer Sylvia Sane; Immediate Past President Jim Sane. Board Members: Lynn Morehead, Jean Bradley, Patty Tanner, Mac McAdams, Jim Earnhardt
President's Note
After two years as president, I will be stepping aside for a time. Though I will still be involved on the board and in our community life, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for another few good years in our life together. We have taken care of our building, which belongs to all of us. And we have responsibly raised the money at our annual events to pay our bills--we spend about $10,000 a year to run the club and pay for supplies, programs, and events. PLUS, we have a number of people who spend their own money on our collective efforts. Because we are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, all gifts to the UHNGCC are tax deductible. In November, each of you on our mailing list will be sent a letter giving our annual report and asking for dues for 2018, still a modest $10 per year per person.
One of the things I like best about Gerton is that when we call on each other, when we ask for help, when we need to take food to a family, a pie or cake to a fundraiser, a work day to deep clean the center, a job that needs a leader, we always find that the answer is YES. In so many ways, it is easy to be president when the whole board assists, when the whole community steps up to help out.
Once again, I look forward to our community Thanksgiving dinner on November 21. Last year at this time, we were all concerned about the fire in Lake Lure. A year has passed, and we are now FIREWISE certified, prepared, and ready when next something happens. Because we have lived so near to what might have been so threatening, we are perhaps more concerned about those who have been affected by earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes--flooding and fires. We are likely to experience even more of these acts of/in nature in the future. Let us always be aware of our good fortune and be kind to those who experience something less. At this time of the year, we have much to be thankful for.
I look forward to working with Jack Bancer, our incoming President, in the new year and seeing you at our various activities around Gerton.
Margaret Whitt
GertonFest IX: Big Success
Our ninth annual GertonFest was held on Saturday, September 2. Rainy weather had been the order of the day the preceding week, but Saturday was cool and clear. We started the day with a community breakfast--thanks to good work from the kitchen by Syble Freeman, Ted Roberts, Mac McAdams, Joan Erskine, and Lynn Morehead at the money table. We made $269 and served over 50 people.
Breakfast is always a good time to catch up with neighbors and to welcome those who come for the weekend visit at Labor Day.
After breakfast, there was time to shop for cakes and bid on the items of the silent auction. Homemade cakes, pies, breads, cookies, pralines, brownies, and one hot-from-the-oven quiche moved out the door with folks delighted to score a dessert (or a morning meal) --enough to share with friends and family or perhaps freeze for a later date.
Jean Bradley and Mary Kay McAdams made the calls, and in the Gerton Tradition, people said YES. Above Claudia Freeman looks over her choices while Jean waits for her decision. The bake sale is all profit for the club thanks to the generosity of those who baked, cooked, and delivered: Bonnie Moore, Margaret Colwell, Jean Bradley, Joan Erskine, Patty Tanner, Mary Kay McAdams, Susan McMurray, Sylvia Sane, Anastasia Walsh, Syble Freeman, Eileen Evans Eliswood, Sarah Gayle, Margaret Whitt, Susie Bancer, Roberta Pope, Lois Simpson, Lana Roberts, Toni Eastman, Maryanne Adoryan, Lynn Morehead, Claudia Freeman, and Lissa Grindle. The bake sale made $318.
For the Silent Auction this year, we had over 30 local merchants from the gorge and beyond who generously gave us items or gift cards, and another 30 items that we saved from the Sale on the Trail or were donated by neighbors. When you visit the following merchants, please know that they support our GertonFest and give a thanks to them:
From Fairview and Asheville (collected by Sylvia Sane, Stan Mobley, Toni Eastman, Susie Bancer, and Margaret Whitt): Hair Works, New Moon Marketplace, Appalachian Tropicals, Mountain Mojo, Food Lion, Nachos and Beer, Local Joint, Mr. K's Bookstore, J & S Cafeteria, Sonic, Silas's Produce, Angelo's, Hot Dog King, and Manual Woodworkers in Gerton.
From Hendersonville (collected by Lana Roberts): Lowe's, Mast General Store, Ace Hardware, Mountain Fresh Bakery, A Day in the Country, Village Green Antiques, Fresh Market, Fireside Restaurant, Granddad's Apples, Flat Rock Playhouse, and Pet Smart.
From Chmney Rock and Lake Lure (collected by Jim Earnhardt): Lake Lure Inn and Spa, Lake Lure Boat Tours, Lake Lure Golf, Esmeralda, Bubba McLeary's, Gem Company, Village Scoops Ice Cream, Medina's Bistro, Hickory Nut Antiques, River Watch Grill, La Strada, and Larkin's
The total income from the Silent Auction was $1,100--this represents a new record. Thanks to all who bid and went home with a good deal!
Danya and Clay Salos, fresh from a victory in the Corn Hole Tournament, crossed the street to win the team spelling bee this year. They took home $50 for their excellent spelling know-how!
The number of people who participated in the Trivia Bowl was close to 20. We had three teams and Team #2 won the gift card to Cracker Barrel--above are the winners, Margaret Whitt, Don Adoryan, team captain, Maryanne Adoryan, Susan McMurray, and David Evans.
The evening ended with delicious BBQ prepared by Billy Gaines, with help in the kitchen from Ted Roberts, Claudia Freeman, Linda Gaines, and Lana Roberts helping at the money table. While Bob Stepp and Friends played music, we enjoyed the BBQ and then Jack Bancer announced the winners of the silent auction. We made $592 on the BBQ and served over 50 plates.
New Health Clinic Opens at Bearwallow Baptist
Facilitated by Karen Owensby, RN
674 - 0365
A church health ministry integrates traditional nursing practice while addressing the spiritual and emotional needs of individuals as they strive to achieve wellness. It is based on the American Nursing Associations Scope and Standards for Practice in Faith Community Nursing.
A visit will include:
- Brief health history
- Blood pressure, pulse, oxygen level
- screening as appropriate
- confidential record of visit
- home viist upon request and appointment
- prayer
Services might include:
- Height and weight
- blood sugar screening
- A1C screening
- cholesterol screening
- triglyceride screening
- medication review
Office is located at Bearwallow Baptist Church. Hours are the following:
Tuesday morning - 10 to noon
Wednesday afternoon - 4 to 6 p.m.
5th Sundays - noon to 2 p.m.
Henderson County Development Council
Takes Second Place in Fair Booth Category
September Program
Neighbors visiting with neighbors. Meal time can also be a catch-up time or a get-to-know-you time. Thanks to hosts Jean Bradley, May Kay and Mac McAdams.
It is never too early to attend your first community meal. We welcome young Maple to the table.
Diego and Eva, who performed some classical pieces on violin at the summer play, were given gift cards from Barnes and Noble. We can look forward to hearing more from them as they continue to develop their talent. Diego plays trumpet with the Greenville Youth Orchestra, and he and Eva both play violin with the Asheville Youth Orchestra.
At our October 17 meeting, about 40 neighbors gathered outside to dedicate the walking track and the picnic pavilion to long-time community members. Jim Earnhardt made the attractive named signs and placed them appropriately where they belong. Here is the content of that dedication ceremony:
Roy was known as a builder. At one time the
volunteer fire department was located at the end of our building--it housed two
fire trucks inside and a third outside. He built the short walls that created a
dance hall--with open sides and a roof--the part of the building we now know as
the dining hall. He helped build the swimming pool that existed for over 40
years -- from the 1940s-80s-in Chestnut Hills. (And Nita remembers driving the
dump truck that filled it in.) On the
Bearwallow roads, he built 13 chimneys. In 1986, Roy turned the fire station into a store and
Nita's came into existence--lasting until 2010--a place for men to gather in
the mornings and women to gather in the late afternoon. If you walked into the
store, there was always a welcome chair for you to sit a spell.
Back inside, the sun went down and we enjoyed our food in the midst of good company.
When the food is back in the serving area, we have plenty of room for exercise among the young. Here, Sam and Kai have a bit of a race!
Neighbors have a good opportunity to catch up with one another: John Hathaway, Ryan Sutters, Jane Sutters with baby Maple and Becca Hathaway.
And across the way, Dawn (back to camera), Eileen, and Danya talk, while Clay pays attention to both talk and his phone!--There is always something for everyone.
New board members were presented and elected to serve UHNGCC for 2018. The slate includes:
Jack Bancer, President; Jim Earnhardt, Vice President; Susie Bancer, Secretary; Sylvia Sane, Treasurer; Margaret Whitt, immediate past president; board members: Karen Owensby and Jean Bradley.
Wedding on Chestnut Hills Commons
On October 7, 2017, Gracelyn Perry, the daughter of Eric and Michelle Perry, and granddaughter of Doug and Margaret Colwell (of Gerton), was married to Hayden McAbee (of Fletcher). The wedding took place in scenic Chestnut Hills, under the old Chestnut trees, with the reception in the pavilion. It was a lovely fall day for a mountain wedding in this beautiful place. The wedding party and the bride were escorted across the stream, over the bridge, and through the meadow to the ceremony area. About 120 guests attended, with a brunch and dance following.
The family is so grateful to the UHNGCC for graciously providing tables, chairs, parking, kitchen and bathroom facilities for the rehearsal dinner and wedding. We also send our gratitude to Chestnut Hills for hosting our wedding on their beautiful property.
The newly married couple, Gracelyn and Hayden, walk down the aisle together.
October Program
We are standing now on the land
once owned by Ravenal Owensby. About a quarter of a century ago, he was
approached by Lemuel Oates to buy this land so that Lemuel might put up a warehouse
right here where we stand. Ravenal then approached Gene Earnhardt and
offered him the land at a lower price so that the warehouse would not have a
front and center on scenic highway 74 A. Gene then approached Tom and Nancy Eubank and Roy
Owenby and together the three couples bought the land--preserving its natural beauty. For a
number of years, horses grazed here. The Earnhardts and the Eubanks then gave
their portion of the land to the UHNGCC and with the help of a grant in 2008,
we put in this walking track.
Karen Owensby stands on the land once owned by her father, Ravenal.
We all know that people make up a
community--on today's occasion, we are here to dedicate and name both the walking
track and the picnic pavilion. Let's start with the Roy and Marjorie Owenby
Walking Track.
Nita stands beside the sign honoring her parents.
Both Roy and Margie grew up on Middlefork Road .
They married in November of 1946 and made the big move to Gerton in 1948, where
their rock house was just a shell. Roy got the rocks from the Hickory Creek and
finished it off. Soon Nita and Butch came along--born up the road at the Valley
Clinic in Bat Cave .
Here, Margie became the queen of
Gerton, the keeper of everyone's keys--the host. She could be found around the
center every day. Always present at our monthly dinners; she was an original
member of the Homemakers Club. Kind to everyone--Margie watched out for us
all. On her 65th birthday, her beloved grandchildren twins were born.
It is our honor to dedicate the
Roy and Marjorie Owenby Walking Track in memory of two community-minded people,
always willing to be of help.
And now the Grayson and Jean
Bradley Picnic Pavillion. Grayson's mother's family, the Merrells, were among
the original settlers in the Gerton area. Grayson did his education here--
attending Edneyville HS, now the Justis
Center up Hwy 64. After
his tour of duty in the navy in Japan, he returned home, visited a friend of
his who was the director of the extension service in Henderson County, who offered
Grayson the opportunity to be director of Camp Swannanoa. That summer Jean just
happened to be a life guard at the camp--they were both active members in the
4H Club. A year and a half later, they were married, and she returned to Boone
with him so that he might get his masters. Then off to NC State on a National
Science Foundation project--and soon a teaching position in biology at LeGrange College
in Georgia , while Jean
taught first grade at LeGrange
Academy .
They returned to Gerton permanently
in 1974, making son Karl the 14th generation of the family line, which has, since the mid-1700s, called Gerton home. Grayson and Jean joined the Bearwallow Baptist Church ,
where Grayson taught adult SS from 1976 until 2004, meanwhile Jean taught the
younger set. Grayson became president of both the UHNGCC and the County
Council. He originated the monthly meal as we know it today--the event that
brings us together tonight. Emphasis in the 1970s was on beautification--when
he went to Raleigh
to give a program on what we were doing here. He served on the committee to get
Drovers Road (our byway, the one that runs 10 miles from Fairview to Hwy 9 at
Bat Cave) classified as one of the 41 scenic byways in North Carolina. Grayson
participated in the dedication service for this project in the parking lot of
the Ingles in Fairview .
Jean has served in some leadership
capacity on the UHNGCC board for the past more than 40 years. We all know her to be a
pillar of our community, and if you want something done, she will be the one to
do it. And we know that if Jean calls us, we get ready to say YES we will do
whatever she has asked us to do.
It is our honor to honor Jean and
Grayson Bradley in this small way for all they have done for our community.
Back inside, the sun went down and we enjoyed our food in the midst of good company.
When the food is back in the serving area, we have plenty of room for exercise among the young. Here, Sam and Kai have a bit of a race!
Neighbors have a good opportunity to catch up with one another: John Hathaway, Ryan Sutters, Jane Sutters with baby Maple and Becca Hathaway.
And across the way, Dawn (back to camera), Eileen, and Danya talk, while Clay pays attention to both talk and his phone!--There is always something for everyone.
New board members were presented and elected to serve UHNGCC for 2018. The slate includes:
Jack Bancer, President; Jim Earnhardt, Vice President; Susie Bancer, Secretary; Sylvia Sane, Treasurer; Margaret Whitt, immediate past president; board members: Karen Owensby and Jean Bradley.
Neighborhood News
Update on former UHNGCC scholarship winner:
Gracelyn Perry used her scholarship to begin her studies at AB Tech in Asheville. Ste attended classes there until the family moved to Atlanta where she attended Kennesaw State University, with her goal being a degree in business. She maintained a high GPA, qualifying her for the President's List. She was accepted as one of the few college students to receive an internship at Home Depot's corporate office in Atlanta in the finance program. After completing her internship, she moved back to North Carolina. She was married in October and now resides in Edneyville. She will continue her pursuit of a business degree in spring of 2018.
Johnathan Barrett, former neighbor from Savannah, Georgia, and Kelly Hill Road, has two cook books available on Amazon.com. The first, Rise and Shine: A Southern Son's Treasure of Food, Family, and Friends, is 55th on the best selling cookbook list and contains some stories from Gerton.
The latest, Cook and Tell: Recipes and Stories from Southern Kitchens, has just been released.
From Chimney Rock State Park:
From Chimney Rock State Park:
Shutterbugs Nature Photography Workshop
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Capture the dramatic hues of fall during our Shutterbug Nature Photography Workshop led by professional photographer Chuck Hill. This workshop is tailored to individual experience and will benefit novices and advanced photographers alike. Topics include wide-angle, telephoto, macro and intimate landscapes, composition inspiration, post-processing, critique and photo sharing.
Class is limited to 10, so register today to reserve your spot.
Event Info
Date: Sunday, November 5
Time: 8:30am-4pm
$100 fee includes an Annual Pass and lunch
$75 for passholder, includes lunch
Register with Amber White by calling (828) 625-9611
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